NALGENE聚四氟乙烯离心瓶3127-0250描述:材质Teflon*FEP。是低速离心处理腐蚀性化学品的理想选择。是提取类脂物和苯酚、消化、沉淀的zui好选择。对大多数酸碱和有机溶剂有极好的耐化学性。可高温高压灭菌,可经受温度范围从-100℃至150℃。使用NALGENE密封盖装置(货号DS3131-0038)后可以zui高推荐转速4000g运行。如在Sorvall GSA转子中采用该离心瓶,请加装NALGENE离心瓶接头(货号为DS3125-0250).在进行高温高压操作之前,请将盖放置在瓶的顶部,但不要按螺纹旋转密封。
货号 | | 3127-0250 |
标称容量, ml | | 250 |
每盒数量 | | 1 |
每箱数量 | | 6 |
Teflon* FEP
Tefzel* ETFE Screw Closure
Ideal bottle for low-speed centrifugation of aggressive chemicals. Excellent for large-volume lipid and phenol extractions, digestions and precipitations. Resists most acids, bases and organic solvents. Autoclavable bottle rated for temperatures from -100to +150. Use NALGENE sealing cap assembly (Cat. No. DS3131-0038) to run this bottle at maximum recommended speed (4,000 x g). When using this bottle in the Sorvall GSA rotor use the NALGENE centrifuge bottle adapter (Cat. No. DS3125-0250). Before autoclaving, just set closure on top of the bottle without engaging the threads. NOTE: FEP centrifuge bottle must be filled to 100% of the total capacity for proper performance.
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