GK081 ScienCell 人类周细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit
ScienCell 研究实验室(ScienCell)是一家生物技术公司,其使命是实验和治疗用细胞和细胞科研金山平台现货促销授权一级代理,咨询微信:jinshanbio 金山禾斗石开平台总代理的研究和发展。 ScienCell为研究界提供各种高质量的正常的人类和动物细胞,细胞培养基和试剂,培养基添加因子,细胞来源的RNA,cDNA和蛋白质。ScienCell的科学家们以改善生活质量,实现细胞的能力,打击人类退化性疾病为目的研究和开发各种细胞治疗策略。ScienCell总部设在美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,公司成立于1999年。
GK081 ScienCell人类周细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit,产品简介:
产品品牌: ScienCell
产品名称:GK081 ScienCell人类周细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit
产品规格:One 96-well plate, one 20ul reaction per well
GK081 ScienCell人类周细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit, 产品说明:
ScienCell 的 GeneQuery™ 人类周细胞生物学 qPCR 阵列试剂盒 (GQH-PER) 分析了血管生成和免疫过程中参与周细胞功能的 88 个关键基因。 在脉管系统中,周细胞在小血管上充当壁细胞,它们有助于维持血脑屏障(BBB),这是一种bukehuoque的稳态大脑功能。 周细胞在免疫反应中发挥作用时也具有巨噬细胞样特性。 周细胞功能缺陷可导致BBB分解和异常脉管系统形成。 以下是如何根据其在周细胞生物学中的功能对所包含的基因进行分组的简要示例:
炎症: RIPK2, TLR3, CD74, CXCL9, APOL3
清除: FCGR2A, HLA-E, ITGAM, C3, CD36
标记: CSPG4 (NG2), PDGFRB, MCAM, RGS5, CD248
GeneQuery™ qPCR 芯片试剂盒采用 96 孔板格式的 qPCR 就绪,每个孔包含一个引物组,可识别并有效扩增特定靶基因的 cDNA。精心设计的引物确保:(i)qPCR分析中的最佳退火温度为65°C(含2 mM Mg2+且不含DMSO);(ii)除非另有说明,否则引物集可识别靶基因的所有已知转录本变体;(iii)只有一个基因被扩增。每个引物组都已通过qPCR和熔解曲线分析和凝胶电泳进行了验证。
ScienCell's GeneQuery™ Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit (GQH-PER) profiles 88 key genes involved in pericyte function during angiogenesis and in immunity. In vasculature, pericytes function as mural cells on small blood vessels and they help maintain the blood-brain barrier (BBB), an integral homeostatic brain function. Pericytes also possess macrophage-like properties when functioning in the immune response. Defects in pericyte function can result in BBB breakdown and aberrant vasculature formation. Below are brief examples of how included genes may be grouped according to their function in pericyte biology:
· Angiogenesis: VEGFA, HIF1A, JAG1, CTGF, ANGPT2
· BBB maintenance: ABCC9, VCAM1, OCLN, ICAM1, DLK1
· Inflammation: RIPK2, TLR3, CD74, CXCL9, APOL3
· Scavenging: FCGR2A, HLA-E, ITGAM, C3, CD36
· Markers: CSPG4 (NG2), PDGFRB, MCAM, RGS5, CD248
GeneQuery™ qPCR array kits are qPCR ready in a 96-well plate format, with each well containing one primer set that recognizes and efficiently amplifies a specific target gene's cDNA. The carefully designed primers ensure that: (i) the optimal annealing temperature in qPCR analysis is 65°C (with 2 mM Mg2+and no DMSO); (ii) the primer set recognizes all known transcript variants of the target gene, unless otherwise noted; and (iii) only one gene is amplified. Each primer set has been validated by qPCR with melt curve analysis and gel electrophoresis.
GeneQuery™ 人周细胞生物学 qPCR 阵列板布局*(8 个粗体和斜体对照)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
A | ABCC9 | APOL3 | CD4 | CSPG4 | CXCL9 | EGFR | HIF1A | ITGAM | NOTCH1 | PTGS2 | TLR3 | β-actin |
C | ADM | C1R | CD47 | CXCL1 | DES | ERBB2 | HLA-E | KCNJ8 | NOX4 | RGS5 | TNFRSF10D | LDHA |
D | AGTR1 | C3 | CD68 | CXCL10 | DLK1 | FCAR | ICAM1 | MCAM | OCLN | RIPK2 | TNFRSF14 | NONO |
E | ANGPT1 | CCL2 | CD74 | CXCL11 | EDN1 | FCGR1A | IL32 | MMP2 | PDGFRB | SOD2 | TPM1 | PPIH |
F | ANGPT2 | CCL8 | CDH2 | CXCL12 | EDNRA | FCGR2A | IL6 | MYLK | PECAM1 | TGFB1 | VCAM1 | GDC |
G | ANPEP | CD248 | CREB5 | CXCL2 | EDNRB | GJB6 | IRF1 | NFKB1 | PRKAA1 | TGFB3 | VEGFA | PPC |
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GK038 人类吞噬作用qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Phagocytosis qPCR Array Kit
GK039 人类先天免疫反应qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Innate Immune Response qPCR Array Kit
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GK061 人类DNA损伤感应qPCR检测试剂盒,Human DNA Damage Sensing qPCR Array Kit
GK062 人类细胞生长和分裂qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cell Growth and Division qPCR Array Kit
GK063 人细胞周期蛋白和细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases qPCR Array Kit
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GK072 人类适应性免疫反应qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Adaptive Immune Response qPCR Array Kit
GK073 人类小胶质细胞Sensome qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Microglial Sensome qPCR Array Kit
GK074 人角质细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Keratocyte Biology qPCR Array
GK078 人类神经细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Neuronal Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK079 人类软骨细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Chondrocyte Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK080 人成骨分化qPCR检测试剂盒,GeneQuery™ Human Osteogenic Differentiation qPCR Array Kit
GK081 人类周细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pericyte Biology qPCR Array Kit
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GK087 人类染色质组织和重塑qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Chromatin Organization and Remodeling qPCR Array Kit
GK088 人VEGF信号通路qPCR检测试剂盒,Human VEGF Signaling Pathway qPCR Array Kit
GK089 人类Ephrin信号qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Ephrin Signaling qPCR Array Kit
GK090 人体细胞连接qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cell Junctions qPCR Array Kit
GK091 人肝星状细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK092 人胰腺星状细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Pancreatic Stellate Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK093 Human Renal Mesangial Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit,Human Renal Mesangial Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK094 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation qPCR Array,Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation qPCR Array Kit
GK095 人间充质至上皮细胞转化qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Mesenchymal to Epithelial Transition qPCR Array Kit
GK096 人类雪旺细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Schwann Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK097 人类平滑肌细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Smooth Muscle Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK098 人类心脏肌细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cardiac Myocyte Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK099 人类骨骼肌细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Skeletal Muscle Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK100 人角质形成细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Keratinocyte Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK101 人类Synoviocyte细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Synoviocyte Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK102 人类滋养层细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Trophoblast Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK103 人前脂肪细胞生物学qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Preadipocyte Cell Biology qPCR Array Kit
GK104 人类细胞骨架重塑qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cytoskeletal Remodeling qPCR Array Kit
GK105 人类ECM降解qPCR检测试剂盒,Human ECM Degradation qPCR Array Kit
GK106 人类焦点粘附复合物qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Focal Adhesion Complexes qPCR Array Kit
GK107 人内皮素信号qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Endothelin Signaling qPCR Array Kit
GK111 人凝集素调节免疫应答qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Lectin Regulation in Immune Response qPCR Array Kit
GK112 人类神经分化标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Neural Differentiation Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK113 人类神经干细胞标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Neural Stem Cell Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK114 人类小胶质细胞极化标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Microglial Polarization Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK115 人类骨髓谱系标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Myeloid Lineage Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK116 人B细胞和T细胞发育标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human B and T Cells Development Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK117 人胸腺细胞发育标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Thymocyte Development Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK118 人类先天淋巴细胞发育标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Innate Lymphoid Cell Development Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK119 人类神经祖细胞标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Neural Progenitor Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK121 人PD-1/PD-L1检查点途径qPCR检测试剂盒,GeneQuery™ Human PD-1/PD-L1 Checkpoint Pathway qPCR Array Kit
GK123 人类生长因子qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Growth Factors qPCR Array Kit
GK124 人类转录因子qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Transcription Factors qPCR Array Kit
GK125 人干细胞转录因子qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Stem Cell Transcription Factors qPCR Array Kit
GK126 人类细胞表面标记qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Cell Surface Markers qPCR Array Kit
GK127 人脑发育标记物qPCR检测试剂盒,Human Brain Development Markers qPCR Array Kit
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